Friday 27 March 2020

Love Is An Endless Lesson


It all started with “friends”.

When people assume, you told people “we’re just friends”, without realizing that every relationship started with friendships.

You can never get to know people without becoming a friend to them.
You will never have the chance to get close to someone without becoming a good member to them.

Love is like a game. It possesses your mind, it addicts you to never leave them.
The heart fools the mind, where eyes went deaf to words, that fell on blinded ears to make it easy to fall in love. It sounds like love is blind, and deaf-mute too.
But for me, no, it is not. Love isn’t blind.
It says yes to every single thing that it witnessed.

Because of love, you won’t notice that the heart is too small, yet it grows bigger when you fall in love. It is just tricky, though a rational head can manage it, about what one can contain.

My advices would go to those who thinks that love will miraculously change one’s life.
Don’t get too attached. Stay low-key, stay hopeful but in a good and brilliant manner.

Think well before taking risks. Love is indeed fun, that it has it’s own lap of a roller coaster, it goes up and down, it’s challenging yet scary, it’s dangerous yet it’s wonderful, when you have come to the finishing line, you know that it will become a great memory that one will keep in mind.

But to reach the goal of a love, it requires one to be patient and bold enough.

Love when you meet the right person, though the right person won’t specify the right time, but at least the memories and the lessons you have had, will grow you wiser and stronger.

Don’t love too hard, because you live for the destiny. What’s destined for you is what’s good at a moment. When you lose hope, remember that better things are coming.
In life, far from the pain you went through, are the shining lights waiting at the front.
What we do is learn, and learn, and learn from the failures or from the destinations.

Good luck to all of you in finding your own soulmates. And here I’d hope the best for myself too, as i am in a phase where i think love is crazy. Meeting someone that you never expect would have come to your life, bringing you those late night thoughts, and shines.
Despite the fact that I’m going through, i know God always knows what’s good for me.

11:28 PM; Friday, 27th of March 2020, Malaysia.

With regards,

Friday 29 September 2017



Because of that shitty thing, I am now lost. Again, and again. How wonderful my life would be if I could get a hint from Him, through my dream. Even when it is a nightmare, I'm willing to face it. As long as I could feel that im closer to Him. I miss the old me. I dont know, I just miss. It's not that i've changed a lot. Just that i am feeling like i'm way too easy to get myself into negative people and environment. And in fact, i've been trapped. I'm lost. Ya, i'm lost. Help me to get up, help me to be me, and be a better me.

Sunday 24 September 2017


"How can you easily moved on?"

If you ask my opinion, my answer will be so easy.
Come on, it's you who sets your mind, What you do is based on what you think.
So if you think to do so, you will slowly forget them.
We still have a lot of things to think and to do. How could you waste your time and life thinking of those who are definitely not destined for you?

Ladies and gentleman, look here. Keep this in your mind.
Allah has already arranged what's best for us, the best and the greatest plan that no one would ever do.

I know, to forget someone who was once a very special person for you, who once cared so much for you, you once made your life feel like a better place to live, like you are living "cloud-nine", I know it's literally hard. But this entire life, isn't held by human. And this is what we call destiny.

But you need to realize. No one stays the same. Sometimes, it is rather not open up or to get comfortable with anyone. No one stays around for too long, you are all you got at the end of the day. So stop being sad. Stop hurting yourself just because others hurt you.

If you don't love yourself, who will love you? People come and go. And you have two ways on how you accept that fact. Accept it positively, and vice versa. Losing teaches us lessons too. But no matter what, start a whole new thing, in a whole new world, without the person you think you will spend your whole lifetime with, is a must, is a challenge, and is a responsibility to teach you to live better and be grateful. Believe that Allah knows better to specify who exactly suits you.
So, rest the case.

So......... yea. just move on and stop wasting time okay? Don't choose the pain when you have the chance to be happy.. If they love you, why did they leave? Why it ended up? And even if they do,
Does God will that to work? Even you yourself belong to Him.


Positive Thingking is The Key to A Peaceful Living


Life will be easier if we only live with the positivity. a positive thinking will avoid us from having grudge or begin an argument with the person who are involved in a problem and make us throw out all anger then choose to be a peacemaker rather than quarrelling.

Negative thinking is a way to let us fall sprawling into a hole which is full of deceits and darkness. so if we choose to have a bright and peaceful living to continue our life successfully, we need to think all positive things and be a positivist in all matters.

The longer we live on this earth, the tougher challenges we will face. so by hook or by crook, positivism is a key to meet up with the challenges and get up from failure. it is a motivational grip to each and every person to always have courage and confident in ourselves.

Islam teaches us to always be kind to every person. Kindness produced if we apply positivism in our lifestyles, and try to help every people in their hardships. Islam doesn't teach us to follow our anger and punish people just as we wish. if we give kindness to others, Allah will give us His kindness and give us the best way of life. Be beautiful with the way Prophet Muhammad brought to us a long time ago, and live with the beauty of Islam as how Islam is perfectly beautiful.

Love Is An Endless Lesson

Love. It all started with “friends”. When people assume, you told people “we’re just friends”, without realizing that every relationship...