Sunday 24 September 2017

Positive Thingking is The Key to A Peaceful Living


Life will be easier if we only live with the positivity. a positive thinking will avoid us from having grudge or begin an argument with the person who are involved in a problem and make us throw out all anger then choose to be a peacemaker rather than quarrelling.

Negative thinking is a way to let us fall sprawling into a hole which is full of deceits and darkness. so if we choose to have a bright and peaceful living to continue our life successfully, we need to think all positive things and be a positivist in all matters.

The longer we live on this earth, the tougher challenges we will face. so by hook or by crook, positivism is a key to meet up with the challenges and get up from failure. it is a motivational grip to each and every person to always have courage and confident in ourselves.

Islam teaches us to always be kind to every person. Kindness produced if we apply positivism in our lifestyles, and try to help every people in their hardships. Islam doesn't teach us to follow our anger and punish people just as we wish. if we give kindness to others, Allah will give us His kindness and give us the best way of life. Be beautiful with the way Prophet Muhammad brought to us a long time ago, and live with the beauty of Islam as how Islam is perfectly beautiful.

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